Solana: How to implement Owner Trait for TokenAccount

Implementation of the owner’s function in Solane: Step by step wizard

The owner’s function is a basic characteristic in Solane that allows users to specify who can control and manage their own tokens. In this article, we will guide it through the process of implementing the owner’s function in the Token account using the context structure of the Makecount context structure.

What is the owner’s function?

In Solane, the owner’s function is used to specify an entity that has control of the associated token (for example, an account that has or manages token). This allows users to authorize specific entities to carry out shares in their currency, such as Coin, Burn or Transfer tokens.

Why implement the owner’s function?

The implementation of the owner’s function provides several advantages:

  • Allows you to check fine grain over access and permissions

  • Allows users to delegate the management of their tokens’ shares to trusted subjects

  • Facilitates safe and transparent interaction between parties

Previous requirements:

Before we dive into the implementation of the owner’s function, remember:

  • Solana CLI installed on your machine.

  • SDK Solana installed on your computer (optional but recommended).

  • Basic understanding of the Solany block chain and its ecosystem.

Step 1: Define the owner’s function

To implement the owner’s function, we must define it in the contextual structure of our tokens account. The owner’s function is a special type that contains information about the real estate entity. Here is an example of definition:


Struct tokenacountContext {

Own_acount: Accounts

Owner_token_account_id: Accounted,


suggest tokenacontcontext {

FN new

TokenacountContext {

Owner_acount: Maker,

owns_token_accoun_id: token_mint_a,



Async fn set_owner (

& Mut self,

Own_acount: Accounts

Repair: Repair,

) -> result <(), error> {

// establishing real estate and body

self.wown_account = owner_acCount;

self.owner_token_accoun_id = Authority.0;

OK ((())



In this example, we define the structure of the tokecontcontext that contains two fields:

  • Model_account: Solana identification of an entity that has an account token.

  • Modern_token_account_id: Identification of solan entity associated with token (for example, Coined authority).

Step 2: Implement the owner's function

Now that we have defined the owner's function, we are implementing our token account. We will use the structure of the "tokecuntcontext" structure to manage property and authorization. Here is an example of implementation:


Struct tokecount {

Context: TokenacountContext,


suggest a tokecount {

FN new

Tokenacount {

Context: Tokenacontcontext :: New (Maker, Token_mint_a),



ASYNC FN SET_WNER (& mut self, owner_acoun: Account: Authority: Authority) -> Result <(), Error> {

// Update of ownership and authorization

self.context.set_owner (owner_acount, authority) .Await?;

OK ((())



In this example, we define the structure of tokecount that contains one field:

  • “Context”: Reference to our instance “tokecuntcontext”.

We implement the owner's function into our account token, which creates an instance of "owner_context" and configure it in the field "token_account. Then we call the “set_owner` to update ownership and authorization.

Step 3: Use owner’s function

Now that we have implemented the owner’s function, let’s use it to manage our token account.

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