Ethereum: Push to array of struct type gives an error. Is it related to storage mechanisms of the solidity?

Ethereum Array Storage Mechanism Error

The error you are encountering is likely related to Solidity’s storage mechanisms, specifically arrays and structures.

In Solidity, arrays are represented using the struct keyword, followed by a name and length. However, when working with arrays, you must use the storage keyword to specify where the array data will be stored.

The problem seems to stem from this line of code:


Note that there is no space between “struct” and the struct definition. In Solidity, the first argument in a constructor or function declaration must not contain spaces.

Additionally, you must use the storage keyword when accessing array elements:

contract test {

bytes[] memory myArray;


In your case, I added parentheses around the variable name and assumed it was supposed to be an array. If it is actually a struct, you will need to add spaces between the “struct” and the struct definition.

Updated Code

Here is the updated version of your code:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma strength ^0,8,8;

contract test {

bytes[] storage myArray; // Add a space before "bytes"


With this fix, your contract should now compile without errors.

Usage Example

Here is an example of how you can use the myArray variable to access the elements of an array:

function getLength() public view returns (uint256) {

return myArray.length;


function getElement(uint256 index) public view returns (bytes memory) {

return myArray[index];



Ethereum: Push to array of struct type gives an error. Is it related to storage mechanisms of the solidity?

: In a real-world scenario, you would probably want to use a more efficient data structure like a “map” or a “struct”, depending on your specific use case. However, for simple array access scenarios like this, the above fix should work.

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